Monday, April 21, 2014

Dangerous Consequences of Too Much Stress At Work

Stress is part of the everyday lives of men. While many are stressed with school work or with intensely emotional life events, most men associate stress with work.

Stress at work is one of the most common and the most serious problems for men who have jobs. According to a survey, men suffer from extreme stress, depression and anxiety because of overwork.

Stress at work is one of the reasons why men turn to alcoholism. In fact, many men resort to alcohol to try to get their minds off work. These men believe that alcohol can make them feel better when they are stressed. What they do not know is that alcohol can increase the stress that they are feeling.

Furthermore, if a man drinks alcohol to cope up with stress, another problem will arise. This problem is alcohol addiction. It will cause anxiety and depression. Sooner or later, the alcohol will impair the health. Alcoholism also causes problems for the man’s family.

Too much stress at work also makes men sick. In fact, a high rate of stress can drain men of their strength and vitality. It makes a man feel dissatisfied with their jobs. Stress can even make someone make a false assumption as if the company does not take note of their achievements at work. This points out that depression creeps in when one is stressed out.

Another effect of too much stress at work is increased temperament. Stressed out men incur aggressive outbursts. When men get easily angry, it means that their stress coping mechanism has reached its limits. This is quite dangerous as they could suffer from an emotional breakdown and become violent.

Stress weakens the body and its immune system. When the immune system is weak enough, men become vulnerable to stress related diseases such as heart disease and mental illnesses. Symptoms such as exhaustion, vulnerability to illnesses, short tempers or leaning towards alcoholism are signs that a man is stressed at work.

Unfortunately, according to Lancaster University’s Professor Cary Cooper, men are hesitant to seek help regarding stress. They also prefer to sit or drink it out with friends, rather than talking to someone about their work problems. Professor Cooper said the reason behind it is that men do not want to be regarded as weak and vulnerable. Thus, without help or an outlet, men find themselves in a vicious cycle that makes matters even worse.

Therefore, it is important to address the problem of too much stress at work. People should not force themselves to stay in a stressful job. They should not stay in a job that they don’t like because it will make them ill. Instead, they should look for companies that are more responsible to their employees.

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