Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Secret of Attraction: The Subconscious Mind

The Secret of Attraction: The Subconscious Mind

Only 10 percent of your consciousness affects your life. The other 90 percent comes from below the consciousness in the subconscious mind. This is the real secret of attraction: the subconscious mind. That's why when people talk about the law of attraction and say it doesn't work - it's because of the programs that work their way to the surface from the subconscious mind.

The Secret of Attraction - Early Programming

As children, we came here as pure vessels. We operated from a place of joy and happiness. Our little brains, working just like hard drives, had the basic programs in place in the subconscious. Animal instincts operated the body signaling the need for food, to grow, to move. As we grew, the subconscious part of our brain led the way. Up until we reached the age of 8 or maybe even 5, our little hard drives received downloads from our caretakers (and often longer than this).

Caretakers being anyone who influenced or cared for us in some way or another. This includes our parents, grandparents, older siblings, aunts, uncles and any other "authoritative" figure in our lives. Our clean little hard drives soon become cluttered with programs that are not our own filled with viruses and issues passed on from generation to generation. This includes fears, beliefs about money, love, the ways of the world and more. If we had caretakers that experienced any kind of trauma growing up, it's a sure bet that we have some kind of program in our subconscious from that trauma. If we experienced trauma as a child, this is even more of an issue for us.

The Secret of Attraction - Unconscious Programs

What this means to us today is that no matter how hard we think positive thoughts and have good feelings about a topic - if it in any way conflicts with an unconscious program - we'll see the results of it in our lives based upon our unconscious programs - not our conscious thoughts.

The secret of attraction is in our subconscious mind. If we've been programmed with beliefs about how bad money is, there is never enough money - or instead that relationships never work out - what do you think is going to be happening in our own lives?

Do you see the simplicity of this?

This doesn't mean our caretakers are bad people or at fault, they only downloaded the programs they were downloaded with in their beginnings. Isn't it time to put an end to this chain of consciousness?

The Secret of Attraction - Just Like a Computer

Just like a computer, our subconscious spits out programs for operation. The hard drive doesn't know if the program is "good or bad," it just runs it. That's exactly the way our subconscious works. It runs the dominant programs. The programs don't get activated until we activate them with our conscious thoughts. When you're trying to use the secret of attraction to bring more money or a good relationship into your life, it's not going to happen if you have inside you a subconscious program that is counter to that desire.

That's why a relationship that starts our good ends up in disaster or why when we attract money in our life, we're living up to the limits of our income.

The subconscious wins out every time.

Why? Simply because it's bigger and stronger.

The Secret of Attraction - Making Change Work

The way to change your life on any subject is to change the subconscious program. What it takes is a complete wiping of your "hard drive," a reformat and a reprogramming, just like when you need to clean the hard drive in your computer of a virus.

There's a variety of ways to do this - and all of it involves a form of self-hypnosis or another. Whether you continually repeat mantras or positive affirmations until you're blue in the face, or find a simpler way to reprogram your subconscious - it's all about finding a program that works for you.

Say YES! to the secret of attraction and make the law of attraction work for you. In a few short weeks by applying this simple method a few minutes each night as you go to sleep, you could be well on your way to living your dreams. It really doesn't get any easier than this. Visit and become the master of growing the desires of your heart. Only you can live your life -- why leave it in the hands of other's negative programs? To find out how you can easly reprogram your subconscious mind read more here.

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