Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Manifestation of Thoughts Into Real Things

The Manifestation of Thoughts Into Real Things

Napoleon Hill reflected in his book "Thoughts Are Things". Yet, to this date most people fail to understand its profundity. A person who is unfamiliar with the idea of manifestation may find this statement to be nonsensical. However a person who is success conscious will find it to be powerful and will realize life's most valuable secret. A mere thought in a person's mind has led to the most amazing discoveries in every era. The Wright brothers thought about flying and laid the foundation for the mean machines that we today call aircraft. Bill Gates' thoughts and dreams manifested themselves into the computer revolution of today. They understood the power of their thoughts and the working of the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like and it can be expressed as follows:

"A thought which attracts other similar kind of thoughts in turn attract people holding similar thoughts, which then attract such circumstances that are in tandem with the thoughts thus leading to the desired things which manifest themselves in physical form."

Things, at the level of thought, are nothing but a kind of random energy that is waiting to be "gathered". However they are also very real. Just like we can not see electricity, but no body would deny its existence, similarly thoughts are also very real. A good reason for maintaining this is that any invention or development done by mankind is a result of a thought. In more precise words, things are "manifested" into the real world from our imaginations by the persistence of thought. 

Scientists have always taught us that the entire universe is composed of energy. This energy has certain frequency. Our thoughts are also energy but in its primitive state. Just like a radio antenna, thought energy also radiates frequencies. The thought frequency level determines the levels of physical manifestation and the circumstance that we have. Thought frequencies that are low correspond to a physical expression of comparable frequencies, while thought frequencies of higher levels correspond to people, things, or circumstance of comparable frequencies.

The main thing to keep in mind is that your thoughts are not some imaginary things; they are in fact, very real. Be assured this is as true as the fact that the earth is round. Thus holding your thought long enough is surely going to lead them to manifest in the reality.

So, what are you waiting for? Go, think good and prosperous thoughts for yourself. Think of the riches, the unfulfilled desires and cherished relationships....whatever you desire. The only thing that can now limit you is the limitation of your thoughts. The Law of Attraction actually works. The only action required from you is to keep a check on your thoughts.

Think of a great life. Sure enough it will manifest itself.

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Hypnosis for Clearing Subconscious Negativity

Download this track: Sleep Version download of this track ("Wake up" ending is removed): https://michael-sealey.dpdca... Video Rating: 4 / 5

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Positive Manifestation is For Everyone

Positive Manifestation is For Everyone

How do we get better at positive manifesting? We keep learning and applying what we learn. That's the only way to do it.

Instinctively we all know how to manifest. We manifest stuff we do and don't want every day. We're just a million times better at manifesting what we don't want which is why we're always saying 'I knew that would happen!' or 'Can't anything ever go right for me?'

If everyone could only realized that just saying and thinking those common negative phrases is making everything we don't want manifest over and over again, then we could get rid of those sayings completely and start to turn all of our lives around.

We're pros at manifesting being late for an appointment or our order coming back wrong. Are you one of those people who never receives your order the way you want it, whether it's at a restaurant or just a delivery from a store?

If you are then congratulations, you really are a pro at manifesting.

It's easier for us to manifest the negative things because we really believe they are going to happen.

I'm not sure when it becomes ingrained in us that we can't obtain everything we want whether it be the perfect career, house, partner, education, and on and on. All I know for sure is that it's complete crap.

All those things you want are obtainable and all you have to do is start working your way towards it.

You can't manifest something without putting the effort in and really believing that you are going to reach your end goal. And all the effort in the world is not going to get you there if you don't believe you deserve it.

I don't care whether you are a doctor, a rocket scientist, or a fast food employee. Everyone deserves to have whatever makes them happy and everyone can obtain happiness. We are all equal.

Having doubt about receiving what you want happens to everyone but if you take you thoughts and detour them around your doubt than you will end up at your goal.

The more you learn about positive manifesting, the more you will apply what you learn, and the more you will see your positive manifestations come true.

Start living the life you want to live and not the life you're expected to live.

Visit my website at for weekly updates on topics involving manifestation.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

3 Manifesting Abundance Affirmations

3 Manifesting Abundance Affirmations

Manifesting abundance is something that most of us would like to do in our lives - there's always room for more "stuff" in our lives and sometimes it's even "stuff" that we want. Abundance often falls into this category and a lot of the time, we equate abundance with more money in our lives.

Affirmations are a good way to help our minds focus on what we want. Here are some affirmations you can use on a regular basis to help you with manifesting more abundance into your life.

The Universe provides me with all that I will ever need

This is a good one to start with. Most people's minds are perfectly happy to accept this assertion because, at its deepest level, it is simply true. Everything we have is ultimately provided by the Universe. Whether you believe in a creation force or ultimate being or not.

We can't magic up things out of thin air (apart from maybe our thoughts, but we're not going to go there in this article). So they have to be provided by the things around us, which ultimately means the Universe.

I celebrate life

This affirmation is simple to remember, which is always a bonus.

And if you even only begin to follow this celebration of life, you'll find that your whole body vibration begins to change. In turn, this will attract good things into your life including more abundance.

Smiling and happiness, which are both parts of the idea of celebration, are infectious. OK, you'll get the odd grumpy person who growls at you and asks why you're being so happy. And quite a lot of people who'll wonder how you're managing to be so cheerful. But they'll gradually either get won over to your celebration or they'll seek other people to drain the energy from. If it's the former, the celebration will grow ever bigger. And if it's the latter then you're almost certainly better off without their influence.

I am abundant

This abundance affirmation is actually more of a mind-leap for a lot of people.

The trouble is, we look around and quite likely see evidence where other people have more abundance in their life than we have. Which we then translate to the negative idea that we're not as abundant as we'd like to be.

Unless you're living on a street corner in a cardboard box, chances are that your life is actually full of abundance. You're just not recognizing it.

Maybe you're seeing the proverbial glass as being half empty rather than half full.

Whatever the reason, adding this short and memorable affirmation to your list can help to create small, subtle, shifts in the way your mind works.

Maybe not today or tomorrow but almost certainly in a week or two's time, there will be some changes for the better in the way your mind deals with the concept of abundance.

And that's probably the most important thing to remember when you are moving towards a more abundant lifestyle. The Japanese method of lots of small, continuing, improvements works just as well in our lives as it does on a production line. Maybe even better when it comes to manifesting abundance.

Get more help with manifesting abundance and find out more about applying the law of attraction.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Power Of Gratitude: Attract Abundance & Miracles | Subliminal Meditation Isochronic Binaural

Welcome to the hidden truth of gratitude, thankfulness and showing appreciation.Program your subconscious mind for gratitude. Power Of Gratitude #2: Magnetiz... Video Rating: 4 / 5

Monday, February 16, 2015

Gingivitis - Deceptive in its Manifestation

Gingivitis - Deceptive in its Manifestation

The fact that most people do not experience any serious discomfort or pain when they are already suffering from gingivitis, especially in its very early stages, makes it a very deceptive condition. People thus tend to neglect it and by the time they react, the bacterial build up becomes very intense and difficult to counter.

What is gingivitis?
This is a periodontal condition in which the gums become infected. They become swollen and red. If left untreated, the plaque buildup may lead to a more serious periodontal disease in which the bone structure around the jaws can also get affected.

One of the earliest signs of an impending gum problem is when you notice blood streaking upon brushing your teeth. Do not take it lightly and ensure you investigate it further if this streaking continues each time you brush or apply light pressure with your fingertips on the gums.

What causes gingivitis?
There are a number of causes connected to poor oral hygiene and improper lifestyle habits. We all know that most body disease conditions are caused due to a lifestyle that is not recommended and gingivitis is no exception. There is, however, an element of genetic predisposition as well that cannot be undermined.

The common causes though are:

* Blood sugar level imbalance or diabetes
* Regular smoking
* Imbalanced diet
* Fluctuation in the hormone levels
* Emotional stress that is bottled up and cannot find expression
* During pregnancy
* Usage of specific drugs or substance abuse
* Regular use of certain pharmaceutical medications

The American Academy of Periodontology has revealed that almost one third of the population in the US are susceptible to this condition from a genetic perspective. It is therefore important to be aware of the condition and take immediate steps upon noticing any member in your family suffering from any inflammation of the gums or discomfort while brushing teeth.

Gingivitis implications
If you do not treat it in time, the bone layer covering the inside of the gums becomes pulled away or withdrawn from the teeth, leaving spaces that can harbor bacteria. The situation over time worsens and leads to bone loss. This causes firmly anchored teeth to loosen and fall out.

Gingivitis treatment
The treatment is very similar to all that is normally advocated to maintain proper dental hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing along with dental cleaning at least twice every year will eliminate plague and any collection of bacteria.

Changes in lifestyle such as cessation of smoking, consuming a diet that is balanced and stopping any grinding of teeth will go a long way in preventing this disease. Regularly massaging the gums with your fingers and applying light pressure on them will induce blood flow and keep the gums healthy.

Lifestyle and health changes may help decrease the risk of developing gingivitis or reduce its severity or progression. These lifestyle changes include stopping smoking, decreasing your stress, eating a well-balanced diet, and avoiding grinding and clenching of your teeth.

You may also want to make use of electric toothbrushes if you feel you are not able to clean your teeth properly using the manual method.

Gingivitis, or gum disease, is caused by habits and predispositions such as diabetes, smoking, imbalanced diet and others. Because early stages don't show serious conditions, many people don't treat it untill it get serious.Gingivitis, or gum disease, is caused by habits and predispositions such as diabetes, smoking, imbalanced diet and others. Because early stages don't show serious conditions, many people don't treat it until it get serious.

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Law of Attraction Accelerator

The Law of Attraction Accelerator

The Law of Attraction ...

"You get what you think about"

"Your thoughts determine your destiny"

It is often said that emotions are the factor that increase or decrease the speed of attraction relative to how much you feel about the subject you are attempting to attract.

One of the critical steps to the Law of Attraction is visualizing exactly what you want. All of the experts interviewed agree - the more precisely you visualize - the better the Law of Attraction works. But the opposite is true as well. The less you visualize, the less noticeable the results. And even worse for most folks - if you are unable to visualize exactly what you want, the Law of Attraction can give you the opposite of what you desire and you never see the results you want.

Once you are able to visualize, the Law of Attraction works wonders for everyone who sincerely follows its simple formula. Better than that, once you discover it works in one part of your life, you'll be able to apply it everywhere.

And best of all, you'll bypass the roadblocks that stopped the Law of Attraction from bringing you all the success you deserve. You can reverse the negative and fatal attractions you are experiencing in your life.

Regardless of whatever happened in your past, financial problems, bankruptcy, never managing to make ends meet, the past is over. Your future begins as soon as you begin to use the Law of Attraction.

And you may not recognize your future based on your past.

Imagine for a moment you are driving your car but instead of looking ahead - you are only looking through the rear view mirror. It would be a disaster waiting to happen!

But the Law of Attraction is going to change all that as you manifest your financial success.

How surprised will you be to discover how simple it is to reach and even exceed your goals?

Not only is your past irrelevant here, even what is going on in the present. The only thing that matters is...your future when you sit back and let the Law of Attraction go to work for you.

Are you ready to taste and enjoy the success you deserve? Are you ready to show all those people who made fun of you for trying to harness the Law of Attraction that it really works.

The Law of Attraction isn't just about going from barely making it to the level of survival; it's about experiencing life to the fullest as every single one of your dreams becomes true.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

5 Simple Steps To Manifesting Your Desires! (Law Of Attraction)

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum P...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Understanding law of attraction

Understanding law of attraction

There are various phases and aspects of life which are harder to understand though if you are not going to get awareness about them then it is a possibility that you may not be living your life with excellence and up to the standards. Personal energy of a person has its own significance in life and it can be attained with various methods and techniques. You can easily alter your mind through various easy methods as well though positive results are required at the end of the day. You can not just carry on your life which is entirely full of complications and problems.

 You can’t afford to go through such life where you are unable to get any relaxation and you are always stressed up. Your energy will be diminishing and your ability to think properly can also diminish a lot with it. If you are wiling to get good results in your life then you have to make sure that your mind is in your proper control. Mind is one of the most important assets of a person and if you are in charge of your mind then you can do anything in your life with ease. On the other hand if you are unable to get any kind of mental stability and you don’t have proper control on your mind then things can start going wrong.

Thinking process is the most important process of your mind which will let you improvise everything in your life. The law of attraction can also help you to get some sort of control on your mind in order to improvise your daily tasks with excellence. You can be on the right path of your life if you are wiling to get things going in the proper way with good control on your mind. Thoughts can be changed or altered with ease and if you are willing to get control on your emotions and your perceptions as well then it can also be done with ease through law of attraction. There are special mind levels which can be improvised through law of attraction in order to get desired results in your life.

People are mostly confused that how they will be able to get superb results in their lives and why they are unable to get success as well. One of the major reasons behind it is the negative energy in their bodies. If your body and your minds are full of negative energy then there will be some severe complications for you and you can not perform your daily routine tasks with excellence because of heaver involvement of negative energy in your body. The law of attraction can surely help you to get rid of such complications of your life with ease and you can easily build up positive energy through the law of attraction. There will be superb results in your life with the assistance of Alpha Brainwave state. 

Learn about law of attraction so that there will be no negative energy problems for you.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to Attract Wealth and Abundance

How to Attract Wealth and Abundance

At some time or other in their life, almost everyone in the world wants to know how to attract wealth and abundance. Here are some simple ideas that will tip the balance in your favor and help you to start attracting more wealth and abundance.

Set yourself targets

Start with nice, easy, targets at first. This helps to build up your confidence and shows your mind that the targets you're setting are for real.

It's often said that only things that are measured actually happen. This applies to your wealth targets as much as anything else - if you've only set a vague target of "I want to be richer" then that could mean as little as an extra dollar in your pocket. But if you've set yourself a measurable target of an extra hundred dollars in your pocket (legally of course!) each and every week then you have a yardstick that you can measure your success against.

Setting a target will give your mind the focus it often needs and will help steer you towards the things that will make that happen.

Be grateful for things

It's very easy to take things for granted. Whether it's the roof over your head, the food on your plate or the friends you know.

Make a habit of expressing your gratitude more often. Even something as simple as saying "thank you" more often can make a real difference.

The words themselves don't make a massive difference but their impact is high.

You'll begin to notice a change in the reaction of other people. The movie The Secret would say that yours and their vibration has changed. Other people would describe it as a buzz in the air.

Set yourself a target to express your gratitude more often - set a measurable figure such as an extra 5 times a day - and keep a diary of how this affects you.

Take time out for yourself

It may seem counter-intuitive to do this. After all, you're trying to attract more wealth into your life. How can that happen if you slow down and take time out?

Just as we need a certain amount of sleep to recharge ourselves, our minds benefit from a short "time out" at regular intervals.

Experiment with a few different ways. A lot of people are reporting success with the Pomodoro Technique where you stick at a task for 25 minutes and then have a 5 minute break. After four of these, you have a longer break (up to 25 minutes). Give this a go and prepare to see your productivity - and therefore wealth - rise.

Repeat positive affirmations regularly

Positive affirmations such as "I attract wealth and abundance" are a great way of reinforcing to your mind that you really are serious about attracting more of both of these things into your life and will help make the law of attraction become reality for you.

Print out the affirmations and place them somewhere that you'll encounter them - and therefore read them - on a regular basis. Maybe put them as a screensaver on your computer or get one of the inexpensive subliminal message programs that will flash them onto your PC screen for a fraction of a second at regular intervals.

Get more help with manifesting wealth and abundance and check out these law of attraction tips.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Secret law of attraction for you

Secret law of attraction for you

The importance and significance of energy can not be neglected in the life of a person. If you are willing to improvise your life with excellence then you may need to find a way which will allow you to attain positive energy. There are various aspects involved in getting positive energy and one of the best ways to do it so is with the assistance of the secret law of attraction. There are many people around the globe who are wiling to find an appropriate way to get rid of their regular problems of their lives but they are unable to do it as they don’t have any idea about the secret law of attraction.

This really is a special and unique method to get your life going in the right direction. You will be able to attain positive energy in your life with attraction of positive aspects all around you. One of the basic working features of this law is that it is linked with the law of gravity and its functioning is also comprised on it. If you are willing to change your life and make it a perfect one then you can not afford to miss out the secret law of attraction. This will surely lead you to superb and awesome successes in your life with ease.

 You can never regret about your life and you will not be disappointed as well about your life with the help of this law. All you have to do is to make sure that you are going to utilize it with excellence and you are going to learn about its various aspects from a reliable source as well. This really is considered to be very important when it comes to changing your life. If you have a reliable source which will let you know everything about your life and how to change it then there will be no issues for you to get real success. There are many things in life which can be altered if you have a good source of guidance.

Mind can also be changed and there will be no issues for you to get appropriate control on your thoughts as well with the assistance of your mind. All you have to do is to just make sure that you are not going to waste your time. You have to make sure that your life is working as it is required to be working. You should be aware of your perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors as well in order to make sure that your life can be on the right track. If you are not too sure that how you will be able to change your mind and your thoughts then you can look about it on the web and you can surely find many reliable sources of guidance on the web as well. These sources will let you know more about secret law of attraction.

Learn about secret law of attraction and get positivity in your life with ease.

The Most Powerful Abundance Prayer I've Come Across

I stumbled upon this prayer online by accident. The minute I started reading through the first few lines, I had goosebumps all over my body; and to me that w...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Manifesting Abundance Tips

Manifesting Abundance Tips

Abundance is everywhere we look. The universe is massively big, almost infinite in size. Yet when it comes to our lives, we often think way too small. So how can you start manifesting abundance into your life?

1. Keep your mind positive

One of the biggest problems with using the law of attraction to start manifesting abundance is that the universe takes everything we say and think literally. Even worse, it ignores any negative parts of our thoughts - just crossing them out before delivering what it thought we were thinking about. This is a big problem because we're so used to using negatives - phrases like "I don't want to be poor" are commonplace. But the universe will translate those thoughts as "I want to be poor". Which kind of messes up the whole manifesting abundance thing, so keep your mind positive as often as possible.

2. Be grateful

It's way too easy to take things for granted. The house you live in, the food on your table, all those gadgets and gizmos that are scattered round even the lowliest households. Start by being grateful for all the things you do have - your health, your cell phone, the air that you breathe, anything! Then start to keep a gratitude journal. Ideally you should write down the things that you're grateful for on a daily basis - one of the best times for this is just before you go to sleep at night. Over a few days and weeks you'll start noticing a change in your attitude that is for the better. You'll maybe start being grateful out loud rather than just in your journal. But, either way, the universe will notice and you'll start to find it easier manifesting abundance.

3. Tidy up

It's easy to generate clutter in our lives. Whether that's stuff literally cluttering up our places of work or living, files littering your hard drive "just in case" or stuff cluttering up your mind. It's fairly easy to tidy up physical things although sometimes our enthusiasm to start the process is lacking. It's also fairly easy to tidy up your computer hard drive. But your mind takes a bit more work. Like other parts of the tidying process, it's worth doing a bit at a time. In the case of our minds, this usually means bursting negative thoughts like you'd burst a soap bubble. And actually it's normally just as easy to "pop" a negative thought out of your mind at least as quickly as it sneaks its way in. Following this process will help you clear the way towards manifesting abundance in your life.

Find out more about manifesting abundance and how you can use the law of attraction to attract abundance into your life.