Sunday, February 1, 2015

Manifesting Abundance Tips

Manifesting Abundance Tips

Abundance is everywhere we look. The universe is massively big, almost infinite in size. Yet when it comes to our lives, we often think way too small. So how can you start manifesting abundance into your life?

1. Keep your mind positive

One of the biggest problems with using the law of attraction to start manifesting abundance is that the universe takes everything we say and think literally. Even worse, it ignores any negative parts of our thoughts - just crossing them out before delivering what it thought we were thinking about. This is a big problem because we're so used to using negatives - phrases like "I don't want to be poor" are commonplace. But the universe will translate those thoughts as "I want to be poor". Which kind of messes up the whole manifesting abundance thing, so keep your mind positive as often as possible.

2. Be grateful

It's way too easy to take things for granted. The house you live in, the food on your table, all those gadgets and gizmos that are scattered round even the lowliest households. Start by being grateful for all the things you do have - your health, your cell phone, the air that you breathe, anything! Then start to keep a gratitude journal. Ideally you should write down the things that you're grateful for on a daily basis - one of the best times for this is just before you go to sleep at night. Over a few days and weeks you'll start noticing a change in your attitude that is for the better. You'll maybe start being grateful out loud rather than just in your journal. But, either way, the universe will notice and you'll start to find it easier manifesting abundance.

3. Tidy up

It's easy to generate clutter in our lives. Whether that's stuff literally cluttering up our places of work or living, files littering your hard drive "just in case" or stuff cluttering up your mind. It's fairly easy to tidy up physical things although sometimes our enthusiasm to start the process is lacking. It's also fairly easy to tidy up your computer hard drive. But your mind takes a bit more work. Like other parts of the tidying process, it's worth doing a bit at a time. In the case of our minds, this usually means bursting negative thoughts like you'd burst a soap bubble. And actually it's normally just as easy to "pop" a negative thought out of your mind at least as quickly as it sneaks its way in. Following this process will help you clear the way towards manifesting abundance in your life.

Find out more about manifesting abundance and how you can use the law of attraction to attract abundance into your life.

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