Monday, February 16, 2015

Gingivitis - Deceptive in its Manifestation

Gingivitis - Deceptive in its Manifestation

The fact that most people do not experience any serious discomfort or pain when they are already suffering from gingivitis, especially in its very early stages, makes it a very deceptive condition. People thus tend to neglect it and by the time they react, the bacterial build up becomes very intense and difficult to counter.

What is gingivitis?
This is a periodontal condition in which the gums become infected. They become swollen and red. If left untreated, the plaque buildup may lead to a more serious periodontal disease in which the bone structure around the jaws can also get affected.

One of the earliest signs of an impending gum problem is when you notice blood streaking upon brushing your teeth. Do not take it lightly and ensure you investigate it further if this streaking continues each time you brush or apply light pressure with your fingertips on the gums.

What causes gingivitis?
There are a number of causes connected to poor oral hygiene and improper lifestyle habits. We all know that most body disease conditions are caused due to a lifestyle that is not recommended and gingivitis is no exception. There is, however, an element of genetic predisposition as well that cannot be undermined.

The common causes though are:

* Blood sugar level imbalance or diabetes
* Regular smoking
* Imbalanced diet
* Fluctuation in the hormone levels
* Emotional stress that is bottled up and cannot find expression
* During pregnancy
* Usage of specific drugs or substance abuse
* Regular use of certain pharmaceutical medications

The American Academy of Periodontology has revealed that almost one third of the population in the US are susceptible to this condition from a genetic perspective. It is therefore important to be aware of the condition and take immediate steps upon noticing any member in your family suffering from any inflammation of the gums or discomfort while brushing teeth.

Gingivitis implications
If you do not treat it in time, the bone layer covering the inside of the gums becomes pulled away or withdrawn from the teeth, leaving spaces that can harbor bacteria. The situation over time worsens and leads to bone loss. This causes firmly anchored teeth to loosen and fall out.

Gingivitis treatment
The treatment is very similar to all that is normally advocated to maintain proper dental hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing along with dental cleaning at least twice every year will eliminate plague and any collection of bacteria.

Changes in lifestyle such as cessation of smoking, consuming a diet that is balanced and stopping any grinding of teeth will go a long way in preventing this disease. Regularly massaging the gums with your fingers and applying light pressure on them will induce blood flow and keep the gums healthy.

Lifestyle and health changes may help decrease the risk of developing gingivitis or reduce its severity or progression. These lifestyle changes include stopping smoking, decreasing your stress, eating a well-balanced diet, and avoiding grinding and clenching of your teeth.

You may also want to make use of electric toothbrushes if you feel you are not able to clean your teeth properly using the manual method.

Gingivitis, or gum disease, is caused by habits and predispositions such as diabetes, smoking, imbalanced diet and others. Because early stages don't show serious conditions, many people don't treat it untill it get serious.Gingivitis, or gum disease, is caused by habits and predispositions such as diabetes, smoking, imbalanced diet and others. Because early stages don't show serious conditions, many people don't treat it until it get serious.

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