Friday, September 19, 2014

Intention and the Subconscious Mind

Intention and the Subconscious Mind

As you blithely move through your day, you are unaware of a vital yet hidden part of yourself that is making most of your decisions for you. This powerful aspect of yourself is what the professional mind-enhancing gurus assist you in accessing -- your subconscious mind.

Think of this aspect of yourself as the friend who wants to help you accomplish exactly what you want.

Then why aren't you getting what you want?  The answer is simple ... you've allowed this "friendship" to lapse.

Before the age of 5, you continually allowed new data into this hidden part of yourself. You were a sponge absorbing everything around you. Each piece of data would assist you in living your life. Your "hidden" self absorbed feelings, thoughts, the "whys" of your actions, and, most importantly, beliefs.

Unbeknownst to you, those first 5 years of your life downloaded the "operating system" for your life. This system will run until you die unless you consciously replace it.

How long has this hidden system been operating? Subtract 5 from your age and you have how old that program is.

Setting intention gives your life new direction. You're taking this vital behind the scenes, yet extremely powerful part of yourself, off auto-pilot. You are saying, "Hey, I want something different than I wanted when I was in kindergarten."

When you make a clear, direct statement of what you want in your life, you give the data reservoir within you instructions about what you want to manifest. Your hidden powerhouse then organizes all the beliefs and information within it and aligns it for its new focus.

Let's say you wake up one morning and want more money. You set your intention: I want more money. The 5-year old inside you, the one that gathered all the information, is excited. The deep recesses of yourself sets things in motion and, low and behold, you find a dime on the ground.

"Way to go," the little kid cheers. 

For a moment you grin. Then the adult takes over.

Wait a minute, I want more money than that.

"Oh," your subconscious says. "How much?"

You didn't give your hidden self enough new data. Be specific. You've been running on autopilot since you were 5 years old. That powerhouse that's been sleeping within you needs specific instructions.

This is why goal setting instructions tell you to be specific and concrete. State it in the present because tomorrow will never come.  Give how much or when so your hidden power knows exactly what it's working towards.

"I bring home $ 5,000 per month by (give date)."

Now that powerful part of yourself has something to work with.

Use specificity with little things first. This could be a to-do list, a statement that you are going to find another route to work, or save $ 10 per week.

Once you get in the habit of providing direction in small areas of your life, make the jump to giving direction to a major change such as income.

Cathy Chapman, Ph.D., LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker assisting people achieve their dreams of health, wealth and abundance through Mind-Body Psychology. She works from a spiritual and energetic model employing BodyTalk and Psych-K to balance the body and change beliefs. Go to to see Healing Silk Affirmation Bookmarks which assist you in remaining focused on your intention.

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