Sunday, September 7, 2014

Tapping For Wealth

Tapping For Wealth Happiness and peace. Simple as that. But happiness and peace do not lie in any external condition. They are not a set of circumstances. Many people think that certain circumstances will bring them happiness and peace. One common belief is that wealth will bring those feelings. It isn't so and we can use EFT to release this false belief and have both the inner peace and happiness, which is the feeling of wealth and the external condition of wealth.

Many people ask me But how can I feel wealthy when I have all these financial problems? Excellent question! What we experience as our circumstances always starts with our thoughts and feelings. It doesn't seem that way though and there are 2 reasons why:

There is usually time that elapses between when we have the thought or feeling and the manifestation of that thought or feeling so we don't see the direct connection

We have become unconscious of our habitual way of feeling and thinking, so it appears as though the circumstances are triggering the feelings rather than the other way around

Understanding that your thoughts and feelings are creating the circumstances is totally liberating. Getting that you can direct your attention away from the circumstances (the picture of lack) towards the feelings themselves, knowing with full confidence that when you resolve the feeling you will transform the circumstances. This empowers you to make the choice to let the negative feelings go.

Wealth is not a set of conditions, it is a feeling that manifests itself as conditions. So could you allow yourself to feel wealthy, safe, loved, abundant, even if the circumstances seem to contradict that? Yes you can. Here are some tapping set up statements to help do just that.

Even though I feel unsafe, I recognize that it is only a feeling and I choose to feel safe, protected and peaceful all the time

Even though I feel a critical sense of lack, I recognize that it is only a feeling and I choose to feel abundant, wealthy, safe and protected no matter what is going on.

Even it seems impossible to feel wealthy right now I deeply and completely love and accept myself and all my feelings and I choose to feel the freedom to be happy all the time

These statements are relatively general and may bring up more specific feelings like

I don't deserve wealth

I haven't worked hard enough

I shouldn't be too happy

People shouldn't just get what they want

I'm being selfish

Whatever comes up for you, work through it until it is clearly seen that it is just a belief and not the truth and you feel a sense of freedom from that belief. Once you see that happiness can be had right now (as a matter of fact it is always there waiting for you), immediately the pressure is off and you will experience greater inner freedom and external wealth. In short you will be wealthy, from the inside out.

Read a lot more articles on EFT from GP (Greg) Walsh at Learn more about meridan tapping and EFT methods today!

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